Monday, August 06, 2007

He Allows Me to Hunger

The son found himself in a barren place.

His Father said, "In this place I will give you the peace you are longing for. Here I will give you spiritual food that will nourish you. You are always with Me---no matter what the circumstances---and all that I have is yours."

Then the Father, with great gentleness drew the son to himself. Quietly he said, "I am the one who allowed you to come into these humbling circumstances and who allowed you to hunger. I did this so that I might feed you with manna---My bread from heaven!

"Only in this way could I help you to know that you cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from My mouth."

...Later still, the son wondered why one like himself, who was so richly fed and cared for at times, should at other times feel so poor and needy and thirsty.

His Father replied by asking four questions:

"Can someone who has never thirsted know how precious is My living water?

"Can someone who has never discovered rivers of these living waters flowing on barren heights---can he ever lead his thirsty friend to those rivers?

"Can someone who has never walked the deep valleys of the spirit help a friend who is fainting---or lead this friend to the well-springs that will save the life of his soul?

"Can someone who has never seen burning sands in the wilderness turn into a refreshing pool---can he speak in praise of My marvels, or My power?"

Amy Carmichael, I come Quietly to Meet You

One of the main blessings of discipline and challenges is that we are better equipped to comfort and lead someone else who is struggling when we have experienced the same thing. If we could only realize that every moment, every occurence has a full purpose, even if we don't see the purpose instantaneously. How amazing His plans and how awesome His purposes, even when we don't understand how or why.

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