Friday, August 22, 2008

Perseverence in the face of the unknown.

(A little bit of background: each semester Cedarville Nursing students focus on a different character quality listed in 2 Peter 1:5-8. We write a paper and reflect on growth in that particular area of life.)

Perseverance is quite the appropriate character quality to be reflecting on and focusing on this semester. Right now the future (i.e. this next week... I know, short future) seems daunting and overwhelming, like a big 'ol black storm cloud looming overhead. While I think (I hope) a few days of experience in clinical setting will help with affirming expectations and responsibilities I'm caught in a whirl of questions... what will I really be doing? Was working as an aide really that helpful? Are we going to have to do things we don't know yet? and on and on... When I think of the word perseverance, I often associate it with a difficult situation of somekind, or a circumstance requiring an extra ounce of determination.

However, last night I read a devotional by Beth Moore from her book, "Whispers of Hope." She challenges us to consider the stress and distraction we face when we feel like we have to "do it all." Sometimes we are even buried under things that are all "good." But, she reminds us, the most important thing is to focus on a few things, or persevere, and do those few things for the glory of God.

Since hearing the phrase, Soli Deo Gloria, I've always appreciated the reminder: whose glory is my life for? God's and God's alone. Not my reputation, not my transcript, not my resume but God's glory. So, if we are persevering in the things He calls us to, even if it's only a few things or even only one thing, we are glorifying Him. At times I feel like I'm wrapped up in school, with only a few snatches of time to do anything else. But, I need to remember to persevere in school, for that is where Christ has me, for a reason. And while it might seem mediocre, or just fulfilling "requirements," I have to remind myself that persevering in school also glorifies God.

I need to remember to take each week one day at a time. To continue with strong determination and hope, but recognize my need for His strength and mercy each day.

P.S. Here is that devotional... it's just too good to not post! (By Beth Moore)
In two short phrases the apostle Paul practically wrote a thesis on simplification. For every one of us who ever wondered where to draw the line, juggled too many balls at once, or had trouble making up our mind, Paul offers a timely simplification: "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." We differ in talents, gifts, and resources, but the hands of time strangle us all. We desperately need a time management course--but who can fit it in?

When our beloved Michael was little, he loved to "help" me grocery shop. Once he begged me to buy our dogs a large bag of rawhide bones. His face was so animated that I agreed, but when we arrived home I forgot about the purchase. Michael--always quite a sneak--slipped the bag out without my noticing. Later that day a strange commotion in the backyard seized my attention. Our dog, Sunny, was hopping frantically in every direction, kicking up more grass than a weed eater, and panting as if she were fighting for her last few breaths. When I walked out to investigate, I heard Michael laughing mischievously, and then I saw them--at least a hundred "bones" scattered all over the backyard. Sunny was frenzied. So little time--so many bones!

Don't get be wrong. I'm not "dogging" us for trying. Most of our "bones" are good ones. We've just got too many to chew. In our attempt to do a hundred good things, we may not do any of them well. We're caught in the captivity of activity--hopping frantically in every direction, tongues dragging and lungs panting. We're dog tired.

God never meant for us to live frenzied lives. Backbreaking schedules are not His idea. How can we, believers in Christ, restructure our lives and find a little refreshment?

- Reestablish the goal. Isaiah 43:7 tells us we were created for His glory. The purpose of our brief journey on this planet is to glorify God. He desires for us to pour the best of our energies into God works. Go back to the basics.
- Redirect your focus. Matthew 6:33 makes a revolutionary promise. If we seek God first, He will direct our schedules and help us to discern His priorities through the work of the Holy Spirit. Give the Matthew 6:33 approach a try! It really works!
- Rethink your motivation. Galatians 1:10 prompts us to ask ourselves if any of our activities are seeking man's approval rather than God's. If we seek to please people rather than God, rules will constantly change and expectations will soar.
- Rest in God's will. Hebrews 4:10 says, "Anyone who enters God's rest also rest from his own work."

Sounds wonderful doesn't it? God is not unreasonable. He does not heap on stress and then refuse to grant us rest. None of us can do one hundred things to the glory of God. Let's find rest in His will and do a few things well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing, and yes, working as an aide was definitely worth it!
Sharon Christman