Sunday, August 09, 2009

One Set of Footprints.

You know those days when you wake up and just want to go back to bed, for maybe if you sleep again, things will be different when you wake up? Certainly it's not a frequent occurrence, but it is still that: an occurrence. Or, maybe you didn't sleep well, emotions are high and unruly, and everything is going exactly how you did not plan it: the computer won't load quickly, the email account flops around, your hair didn't "do," you're running late, the juice spills. And now it's raining.

Something that thing you thought was over still creeps into and seeps into your thoughts so often and then rears it's ugly head at the most inopportune times. It is the only earthly thing known to fail me not. Maybe I'm moody, just like today's weather. But, maybe I'm just tired of this too. Tired of trying to be the strong one all the time; tired of reminding myself to learn from this season; tired of trying to have faith that everything is for my good; tired of keeping the feelings down. Tired of the up and down and all-around tug-of-war-type dance with my emotions. Maybe I'm ready for a new season of life. . . I've been trying to learn from this season, trying to learn all I can about patience, contentment, and faith despite utter confusion, but I'm getting so frustrated and worn out.

And yet we add on the most recent confusion-producing moments. Why must these random things happen to me? Why must I feel the results of others' coincidental mistakes that I should have never known about? What are You teaching me, Lord? Why don't I seem to learn the lesson, get the picture? Why must the paths of learning patience, faith, and contentment be so stinkin' difficult and cause so many tears?

Yet, I know that the Lord is faithful to lead me through anything He allows me to experience. He is faithful when I am faithless, and He is strong when I am weak because of the long, unending journey. Even when life does not seem to fit with "everything working together for my good," I know that Jehovah Jireh is my Provider for all that I could ever need.

Perhaps this is just a time that I will look back on and see only one set of footprints. And that's okay with me.

Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury. ~E.H. Chapin

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