Saturday, September 06, 2008

Plodding Along.... is that perseverance?

This past week held an interesting course of events. Throughout the week my mind was also pulled in many different directions. I needed to contact some people before my parents and I could make a decision about my possible trip to Peru and Paraguay next summer. This week I felt like I was juggling too many plates, and trying not to let any of them fall. School is extremely demanding right now, but the debate between an externship and the Peru trip was also a big decision hanging over me. Thankfully, the hard work put into the Pharmacology test paid off and that test is now behind me.

It has still be difficult to find time to look to other people's needs in the midst of my own life's craziness. But, I am trying to make that time---to find that one person that might need a bit of extra encouragement in their week---even though I have things to do. There will always be things to do though, so I can't always say "when I have time..."

However, in the midst of all of the work, I have been trying to diligently use my time to get things (specifically homework) accomplished in adequate time. So far this year, I have been able to get my homework done by Sunday, so that I can truly rest on Sundays. And, that has been wonderful! It takes a lot of commitment throughout the earlier part of the week, and especially on Friday nights and Saturdays when other people are doing things that sound much more fun than books and papers. But, when Sunday rolls around and there is nothing academic on my to-do list, it's an amazing feeling!

In church last Sunday, the message was about loving people out of Christ's love, with a love like His. It reminded me of perseverance because the pastor challenged us that genuine love isn't what it means to love someone who is easy to get along with; genuine love is when we love someone who is difficult to love. He said that the very person we do not want to show love towards is the very person God wants us to love.

That takes perseverance, doesn't it? Intentional love. Just a bonus thought. : )

Finally, an update!! After doing our research and talking to several people, my parents and I decided that I will move forward with plans to go to Peru and Paraguay next summer! I am tremendously excited about the trip, and I am looking forward to seeing God's faithfulness and provision in the next several months as people support me financially----that's a huge prayer request!!


Anonymous said...

I am a born again lady from Finland. I need to tell you that God truly used your blog. The title "more than rubies" and the Proverbs verses spoke propehticly about my future. So thanks to God and to you.

Anonymous said...

Good reminder that we have to intentially love people even when it is hard. I have had to do that this week with my daughter when there was tension between us. I have to make sure she knows that I love her even when what she does makes me sad and angry. I need to show it in a tangible way with a hug or a back rub. God still loves me even when I miss the mark so often. Sara