Sunday, September 28, 2008

When Perseverance Pays Off.

The last several weeks I have been battling some kind of respiratory bug (that's my medically-correct terminology coming out ; ) ). The first two weeks a cold settled into my chest and caused hacking coughs for two weeks. Ugh. Then I had a few days of peace and wellness until---whamo! a sore throat, a sniffles that quickly turned into a head cold. Double ugh. Finally that cold is on it's way out... I'm down to only a few sniffles each day!

But, because life is so demanding, busy, and fast-paced right now I have no option except hang onto the ride for dear life clutching homework in one hand and a tissue box in the other hand. It has been difficult to not be able to take the time to "lay low" and re-energize. Yet, once again, God's faithfulness becomes evident in each day.

I can't do this on my own. It's been one of the biggest realizations this semester. I can do my part, but without God's guidance, strength and forgiveness, I simply will not make it to the end of nursing school. He alone is the solid Rock on which I will push through these next two years.

The last several weeks have been difficult and even discouraging as I realized that the standards I previously put on myself simply wouldn't been attainable this semester. Despite hard work, the results weren't good. But, this week I saw God's hand in so many things: amazing power naps that re-energized me after clinicals; that extra boost of energy to study for several hours despite "working" a full day at clinicals; time management and prioritizing that I didn't know I had in me; feeling like I understood material "inside and out." And He chose to show His power through the great results He enabled me to get this week. It was a welcome encouragement; hey, I can do this after all. It will take work and maybe not match up to my standards of previous years, but that's okay. He's helping me to conquer (and learn!) this information.

I'm learning that perseverance doesn't mean getting the perfect score, the best grade, the highest praise. Perseverance means doing what we can, with what we have, where we are, with a attitude that brings glory to Christ. Too many times I become focused on what I can't do instead of what I can do and how I can do it. Perseverance means being faithful to do our part, while relying on His strength and trusting that He will bring to completion what He has started. He has a reason for me to be here; He has a purpose for me to be spending four years doing this.

Perseverance means giving the glory back to God as He enables us and strengthens us.


Anonymous said...

Guess what?! All of us nurses have felt this at one time or another. Your book knowledge is essential, but your patient care is priceless.

Pour yourself into your clinicals (get over that first injection fear) and you'll realize that all the knowledge in the world isn't going to help you care for people.

It'll help you do the paperwork.

Anonymous said...

You are definitely learning the info and are able to apply it in clinical. Keep persevering. Sara